Denture Services:
- Implant-Over Dentures
- Complete Dentures
- Partial Dentures
- Immediate Dentures
- Relines & Soft-Liners
- Repairs
- Name Insertion (highly recommended for those in nursing homes or hospitals)
Service Solutions:
- Simple, Professional, Convenient
- ALL Appointments IN-HOME
- Customized Treatment Plans (Suited to your needs & budget)
- Technically Sound Dentures
- Complimentary In-Home Consultation

Appointment Locations:
Hospitals, Private Houses, Mental Health Facilities, Prisons, Nursing Homes (Assisted Living or Independent Living)… We come to you!
Service Locations:
Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Leduc, Fort Saskatchewan, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain
If you live outside of these areas service may still be available however fuel surcharges will apply*.
* Restrictions apply