Why a Denturist and not your Dentist?
Do you have all of your teeth?
If you answered
- Yes, but they will have to be extracted
- Most
- A few
- No
Then you will want to consider seeing a Denturist for your dentures
A Denturist…
Works directly with you to ensure your prostheses will be functional, fitted and aesthetically pleasing.
Not only constructs your dental prostheses but will ensure they are maintained afterwards as well.
Is a new profession in the dental industry. We are independent Denture Specialists that work closely with our patients to construct dental prostheses that work with their lifestyle, appearance and budgets.
Has extensive training specializing in implant-over dentures, complete sets of dentures and partial dentures that replace one or more teeth.
A Dentist…
This is a dental Doctor, and though they are highly trained throughout dentistry, a Dentist does not make your dentures.
The impressions/moulds are taken at the Dentist’s office then sent off to a dental laboratory where the work is hired out. The Dental Lab Technician is then required to make a set of dentures without meeting the patient.
Although the Dentist will check the work after it is complete, design modifications required throughout the construction of the prostheses rely heavily on communication between the lab and the dentist and they may or may not be missed.
If you have natural teeth require work then we will refer you out to a Dentist or you can see your own.
Why not have it all done at one place? Cost
The profession of Denturism arose out of need and demand. Simply put, we’ve removed the middle-man from the operation with direct to the public denture work.
As a result of this, the costs are reduced and the results have dramatically improved. See below:
Actual figures in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada as of 2007:
Dentist quote for set of dentures: $ 3800.00 CAD
Denturist quote for same set of dentures: $ 2400.00 CAD
The results speak for themselves as the difference is a $1400.00 CAD saving