I have been in the Dental Industry since I was 6 years old as both of my parents were Denturists. I have numerous years working in a clinical setting at some of the most reputable Denture Clinics throughout Edmonton. I decided it was time to attain my Provincial Denturist Licence.
Once I acquired my Alberta Denturist License, I decided to take my experience to the next level. I established my Denture Practice, AQUASEAL IN-Home DENTURES a Completely Mobile Denture Clinic. Not a mobile denture clinic in addition to a clinical setting but a Completely Mobile Denture Clinic. My focus remains on the patients in the field, and is not split between that of a clinical setting and the field. At present, AQUASEAL In-Home DENTURES has been in operation since 2003.
I understand the demands that care giving can bring when attending to the needs of our loved ones. Many patients are unable to attend appointments in a clinical setting because of immobility, coinciding with a variety of physical and mental health considerations. In addition, winter conditions can quickly become a safety concern. Our operations have been designed to offset this.
I enjoy the challenge. Not only in the dental cases we have mastered but in the ever changing environments and health situations many of our patients reside in. This is their world and I am honored to be a part of it.
We are working on our 21ST year in operation and with 25+ years experience, I am confident I can help you with your dentures.
Thank you to our Patients and their Families!!!